Well as you can see I am a slacker. My computer crashed last month pretty bad and I haven't been able to find my pictures. I, like an idiot didn't back them up. But not to fear the computer guys says they are still there. All I need to do is bring the computer back to him to find them but since I don't have the money right now to have him look for them, I'm gonna hang low. Brendan and I have decided for our birthdays this year its time for a new system. So I will be taking a break from blogging and will be back on line soon. Wishing you all a great holiday season missing everyone too. Call me if you would like I'm still around. Hope to see some of you soon.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Hogle Zoo
Can I just tell you I love the zoo! If it were possible I would go everyday. But since I work I cant so I go when I can. So some friends of mine and I planned to go in June. That's right June. I am just a slacker about writing. But anyways because I love the zoo I did enjoy all the new things that they have done and its fun to go and see all the animals(if they are out). We really lucked out it was a beautiful day not really hot and it was early enough that the animals were all still out. And it didn't hurt that they were all being feed at that time. So lucky us! Jordan wasn't feeling all that well so he was unable to join us but we still had fun. Even though Matt took off to go potty and didn't bother to tell any of us and than just took his time coming back. He scared me and everyone else have to death that little stinker. I now understand why animals and some humans wear a leash. Anyways enjoy the pictures cause I sure did!

While we were there the Fox 13 new people were there doing a remote broadcast so we stopped the co-anchor and the weather man for a quick picture. They were really nice and we were even seen in the back ground of the news that day. It was way fun.
The little girl is my friend Amee's daughter Aislynn. This was her first time to the zoo.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Horseback riding
One of the things I did with the kids this year is the five of us went horse back riding. This was the first time for me and the kids. Brendan was a pro. The one thing he said to me was make sure you stirups are good before we ride. Since I never have been on a horse for more than tpo go around the stall at the fair. It seemed pretty good. The horseback riding was done up by Bear lake and it was wonderful. Matt screamed because he was having way to much fun and like his mother he is really loud. But he had a great time. The ride was 1 hour but really more like a 1 1/2 causesome of us had a hard time controlling the animals. But it went pretty well until I noticed my knees were killing me. It was getting worse and i started to wrooy that I wouldnt be able to get off the horse. Then towards the end of the beautiful ride the guide stops us and tells us to really keep the animal under control because if they start running now we wont be able to stop them. O K that was really scary and considering i knew me knees werent goning to hold me I knew I was in trouble. How do I save my child that keeps gigglng and screaming with joy and then myself from falling off the horse!!!! Wasnt gonna happen. Once we got back a good boy friend would get off his horse and come help his girlfriend but NO he walks the other direction. So I did what I had to do, According to some real cowboys I Indian off the horse, which is sliding off the opposite side. I was sore for days and my knee still hurts. But I will defiantly do it again. We loved it
For all of you that thought I fell off the Earth, I didnt Im still here taking some much needed break from everything. Well the summer is finally over and kids are back in school and all I can say is yippeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! I love school kids arent home no one is calling me fighting over who ate the last fruit snacks that were really theirs because they put their imaginary name on it when I brought home the box back 2 weeks ago, etc, etc, etc. But its over and I couldnt be more excited. I know I should feel sad that my kids are growing up too fast and blah blah blah, but I cant wait till I can hang out with my kids and have a great time with them. It does happen, but much later than we think. It happens about when the kids move out and get married, then they want to be your friend and some of my best memories are with my mom and dad after I grew up. But I still have some time till then but I will love the time I get and hope that it is fun in the mean time. I didn't do that much this summer. Hung out at home, saw my sister and her family, saw my Aunt and her family, but mostly hung out at home. But tis time to get back in the swing of things. Boy I made my plate full. So if there are no posts for a while don't worry I'm still here but working full time and 2 dance classes, scouts, basketball, swim lessons, and now Taekwondo lessons for both boys, my days are gonna be busy. But you guys can still call because I still love to hear from everyone even if you haven't seen me in a while. Well till then
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Matty's Birthday
My baby turned 7..... its wonderful and sad all rolled in one. The day started out pretty good, I left his presents out on the table and he waited for me to wake up before he opened them. I went way over board as I do with every holiday:
After presents we decided to clean house because we were going to dinner and then the movies.
After that we were off to see KUNG FU PANDA, loved it loved it loved it. Go see even if you don't have kids.
As a special treat Brendan drew tattoos on all the kids too it was way fun.
Can you guess who got what? All in all it was a great day and Matt was very happy. After all who doesnt love a day all about them.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Natural wonders
Well we didn't go looking for opals but we planned out some fun things. My favorite was by far Kennecott copper mine. Holy cow I just couldn't stop starring at it. I just thought the mine was the coolest thing ever. Anyone who hasn't seen it or just been a really long time GO. I mean where else can y0u stand just feet away from something you can see from outer space!
It really looks like toy cars but wait till you see the next picture.
This is the kids in front of the tire to that toy looking truck. Jordan read the sign that said these tires are $25,000 each. OMG
I did this picture big because if you look carefully you can see the copper. Hint: its green!

It is a gem stone I saw on Cash and Treasures. She said that if you can find a gem quality that it could be worth $2000 to $2500 a karat. I really want to find one of these. They are best found at night! All you need is a black light and some good walking shoes.
It is a gem stone I saw on Cash and Treasures. She said that if you can find a gem quality that it could be worth $2000 to $2500 a karat. I really want to find one of these. They are best found at night! All you need is a black light and some good walking shoes.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Autumn Hip Hop Dance 2008

Autumn is the one with her leg up.

Soccer 2007/2008

Could someone tell me why all the teams my kids are on have parents who are the quiet and keep to themselves and why all the other teams have parents that scream at their kids to push them out of the way, knock them down, steal the ball, etc etc. etc. What happened to these people to make their child so mean. Well i think I know its plain Stupidity. We teach our children not to do something then tell them its ok in sports.
Well soccer here is 7 games in the fall and 7 games in the spring. This plan is stupid. You should sign up for either fall or spring or both. All my kids lost interest buy the end of fall and were mad at me for making them go to the spring games. (but lets face it I'm not one to waste money like that). So I made them go like any good mother you finish what you start. Cant let the team down.
Like any good mother I wanted to cheer my kids on and really be there but its sad to see them disappointed week after week. So I'm not a good mother because half way through the end of the spring games I decided to get mean to and when Matt or Autumn got the ball it was me screaming to knock the girl/boy down steal the ball etc etc etc. I may have gone over board when the screaming went on to the very large man I ended up screaming at and then was almost asked to leave. I did learn the most valuable lesson that day, when your child says to you "mom its ok if you just drop me off here and come back after the game" that they really don't like you yelling anything except way to go. So in the end its just best to make the peace and bite your tongue, or in my case drop them off and pick them up after the game.

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About Me

- Jeni
- 30 something, mom of 3, w/ 2 step kids, thats 5 all together, and 1 grandson, dare I say that out loud, common law wife, and finally workaholic, very blah