Saturday, February 7, 2009

What not to do when playing Football!

Well the day started out like any day, got up, ate breakfast, went back to bed, got yelled at that i was going to be late and left for school. I may or may not have brushed my hair it was undecided. My school day started out just like all the rest, read books look at teacher hide behind my book so I wont be called on to answer a question, you know normal stuff. But then the bell rang 1st recess yippee I ran out to meet some friends and play football, I haven't been playing long but I'm not doing so bad if I do say so my self. Then just before the bell it happened, I got elbowed in the lip and as I walked away sucking on my sore lip and looking down not paying attention a boy was walking backward and didn't see me he head butted me and I bit through my lip. OUCH! Blood was gushing from my lip. It was horrible. My teacher took me to the nurse and she called my mom. My mom rushed over and took me to her work where she took a picture of my tooth. I'm not sure why at the time she took a picture of my tooth. Um hello my lip is really big and still bleeding but she said she wanted to make sure everything was OK. Then the doctor came in and looked at my x-ray and my lip and told my mom to take me to another doctor. Mom called that doctor an oral surgeon. After waiting all day(or 2 hours) he took me back and got my lip numb. Um OUCH! then he came back and put in 4 stitches. Not so much fun for playing football. Now here's my advise never look down while sucking on your bottom lip you just might find out how I felt.
Hope you can see this the best most grosses pictures are on my moms phone and she hasnt moved them over yet.

About Me

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30 something, mom of 3, w/ 2 step kids, thats 5 all together, and 1 grandson, dare I say that out loud, common law wife, and finally workaholic, very blah