Well I thought it would be fun to really get the kids into sports this year. I had high hopes of going to all the practices and games. Wanted my kids to learn team spirit and all that. Well it was a joke not only did I find sitting in the rain part of the year and the heat the second part a joke in the end its not always fun to watch your kids lose every game.
Could someone tell me why all the teams my kids are on have parents who are the quiet and keep to themselves and why all the other teams have parents that scream at their kids to push them out of the way, knock them down, steal the ball, etc etc. etc. What happened to these people to make their child so mean. Well i think I know its plain Stupidity. We teach our children not to do something then tell them its ok in sports.
Well soccer here is 7 games in the fall and 7 games in the spring. This plan is stupid. You should sign up for either fall or spring or both. All my kids lost interest buy the end of fall and were mad at me for making them go to the spring games. (but lets face it I'm not one to waste money like that). So I made them go like any good mother you finish what you start. Cant let the team down.
Like any good mother I wanted to cheer my kids on and really be there but its sad to see them disappointed week after week. So I'm not a good mother because half way through the end of the spring games I decided to get mean to and when Matt or Autumn got the ball it was me screaming to knock the girl/boy down steal the ball etc etc etc. I may have gone over board when the screaming went on to the very large man I ended up screaming at and then was almost asked to leave. I did learn the most valuable lesson that day, when your child says to you "mom its ok if you just drop me off here and come back after the game" that they really don't like you yelling anything except way to go. So in the end its just best to make the peace and bite your tongue, or in my case drop them off and pick them up after the game.