Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Christmas in Dec but posted in June

I know Christmas pictures in June.......well yes. This last christmas I load my family in my mini van with movie and all(dont you just love technology) up to the Hogal zoo for their Zoo Lights. They say there is over One millon lights. I can believe it. I was so glad we went.I was amazed at what they could do. My kids were good sports about it too. It was truely FREEZING. They sell you these glasses that made all the little lights look like snowmen. Note to parents buy just one pair and share them. I know you think you cant but 10 mins later I was carrying all 4 of them.

When we got to the dragon, its the part where the big cats are so we were thinking we might see the cats. Because they sleep all day they would be up now. Well everyone else had the same idea so it was a bit crowded and you still couldnt see any cat. Oh well next time. At this point I decided I wanted to have something warm to drink. Yummy HOT CHOCOLATE, and as I was standing in line day dreaming about that drink the woman in front of me ordered the same drink only to burn her mouth and spit it on the ground and yelling thats "hot". Really I have to wonder did she think it would be cold cause isnt that called chocolate milk. So now my turn and I turned to the guy and said "small Coke", I knew in my haste to get warm I too would be that stupid and burn my mouth. So I stuck with an oldie but goodie. HA HA

I loved this picture even though its not in focus but there is just something about it. Maybe next christmas you can come with us and Ill put the pictures in my blog 6 months later too.

About Me

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30 something, mom of 3, w/ 2 step kids, thats 5 all together, and 1 grandson, dare I say that out loud, common law wife, and finally workaholic, very blah